Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Pros and Cons of Travelling

I just got back from a whirlwind couple of days in Philadelphia meeting with one of our parent companies and two of the other software joint ventures. I always view travelling on business as a dichotomy of good and bad. I thought I'd outline some of the specific good and bad things from this trip:


  • face to face contact with partners results in better understanding of each others problems and concerns
  • putting a face to a name you've heard before, or spoken with, or emailed back and forth adds a dimension to the relationship
  • all food and drink will be reimbursed (especially good when travelling with my boss who picks up the expensive meals)
  • finding a pretty good jazz club in Philly that had two great bands on consecutive nights (a tuesday and wednesday, no less)
  • no screaming kids in the middle of the night in a hotel
  • meeting the bouncer in the aforementioned club and realizing what a great guy he was - Philly truly is the city of brotherly love (also - see below)
  • Leaving the family is stressful on both me and my wife
  • A hotel that is under construction is not much fun - the power to the alarm clock went out both nights
  • The TSA and the stupid 'enhanced searches' I always seem to receive
  • Canadian Immigration's still not resolved so I got hassled getting back in to my own country
  • Mesaba Airlines operates the NWA airlink between London and Detroit - they have the worst planes I've ever been on. The seats are really uncomfortable
  • Rushing to get a conneting flight when the first flight is late
  • Sitting on the runway while your plane is de-iced
  • Walking to the hotel and seeing a large homeless man masturbating while lying on the sidewalk - I said it was the city of Brotherly Love.


Tammy said...

yikes to the last one!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Would it be reasonable to assume you were thinking of a certain Roger Waters album from the 80s when you chose the title for this particular entry? Keeping, albeit loosely, with the Floyd theme, that is...