Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Great Gig In The Sky

Over the weekend I found out that a co-worker's baby passed away. The baby was born with a genetic disorder that 'was not compatible with life'. He was expected to live a week or two, but actually lived for just over 3 months.

The obituary mentioned simple joys like seeing him smile, watching trees and birds with him and just spending precious moments together, knowing that they wouldn't last long.

Angel's death has touched me more than any other in my life, even though I never met him. I can't imagine what his parents are going through and how they can cope right now. I just know that I wasn't able to go to the funeral because of the emotions I felt - I would have lost it.

Since reading the obituary I've cried at least twice a day thinking about him and his parents. I have hugged my kids more, told them that I love them more often, and enjoyed my time with them more in the past three days thanks to Angel.

Because of his death, I will not take for granted how lucky I am to have my family. And I will be giving to the trisomy foundation in Angel's memory.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Angel has a blog: